@article{oai:barrel.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005568, author = {長村, 知幸 and Osamura, Tomoyuki}, issue = {2/3}, journal = {商学討究, The Economic Review}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿では,地域企業の戦略展開を考察する。地域企業は,地方部において製品・サービスを生産する革新的な中小企業である。地域企業は,多くの場合,製品やビジネスモデルが独創的であり,特定のセグメントで高いシェアを有する。北海道のワイン産業は,明治初期から生産が試みられており,欧州系ぶどう品種の栽培適地であることから,醸造用ぶどうの生産量で全国二位を誇っている。北海道ワインは,1974年1 月に小樽市で創業して以来,「完全国産ビジネスモデル」を展開することによって,道内最大メーカーの地位を確立し,契約農家と相互信頼を醸成している。本稿の結論として,地域企業は,地域資源を活用した形で競争優位を実現していることが明らかになった。, The purpose of this study is to examine empirically the strategies for local enterprise in Hokkaido. In this study, HOKKAIDO WEIN was selected as the case of a local enterprise. This article suggests that the networking strategies by these companies have important influences on their heterogeneity and competitive advantages. They are technological innovators in the wine industry in Hokkaido. In the initial stage, HOKKAIDO WEIN had accumulated its organizational capabilities and developed strong relationships with its contracting farmers. Mutual trust between HOKKAIDO WEIN and farms was promoted through the policy to local produce product. Thus, local enterprise improved the quality of the relational capabilities with their local farms. In particular, a networking strategy for latecomer firm will contribute to successful competitive reverse of production and sales amount. Our research identified that the symbolic action by the entrepreneur of the local enterprise had positive effect to upgrade their organizational capabilities. In conclusion, it was observed that the strategies for local enterprise had realized the network management and sustained competitive advantage in their initial stage., 論説, Articles}, pages = {215--247}, title = {地域企業の戦略展開}, volume = {73}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オサムラ, トモユキ} }