@article{oai:barrel.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004747, author = {Ogasawara, Haruhiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {Behaviormetrika}, month = {Sep}, note = {A method for estimation of ability using pseudocounts in dichotomous item response models is given when associated item parameters are known or estimated by a separate calibration sample of examinees with the size of an appropriate order. The pseudocount minimizing the asymptotic mean square error is algebraically obtained. Though the pseudocount depends on unknown ability,a fixed lower bound for the pseudocount is derived under the logistic model with equivalent items. The lower bound is numer ically shown to be reasonable under the 3-parameter logistic model with and without model misspecification.}, pages = {131--146}, title = {ESTIMATION OF ABILITY USING PSEUDOCOUNTS IN ITEM RESPONSE THEORY}, volume = {41}, year = {2014} }