@article{oai:barrel.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004187, author = {森川, 高行 and 山田, 菊子}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, month = {Oct}, note = {信頼性の高いRPデータと操作性の高いSPデータを同時に用いて非集計行動モデルを推定することによって,両方のデータの補完的な長所を利用する方法論を著者らは提案してきた.本論文は,この方法論の発展形として,RPデータとSPデータの「系列相関」と「状態依存」を明示的に考慮したモデリングを提案し,交通機関選択分析に適用するものである. Disaggregate behavioral travel demand models are usually estimated from revealed preference(RP) or stated preference(SP) data. RP and SP data have complementary characteristics: RP data are more reliable and SP data are more flexible. The authors have developed combined estimation methods for discrete choice models from RP and SP data to enhance advantages of the two types of data. This paper develops the RP/SP combined estimation methodology that explicitly considers state dependence and serial correlation between RP and SP. Two case studies of mode choice analysis shows effectiveness of the proposed methods.}, pages = {11--18}, title = {系列相関を持つRPデータとSPデータを同時に用いた離散型選択モデルの推定法}, volume = {476}, year = {1993} }