@book{oai:barrel.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004039, author = {Nishimoto, Akihiro}, month = {Dec}, note = {The central issue in this research is the product management. Especially, hybrid products are focused. It is the one that is integrated more than two category technologies into one product. It has been getting a lot of attention as the new approach of the product development. However, there is the category problem. As hybrid product has more than two category technologies, it does not be categorized explicitly. Therefore, marketing manager cannot build the strategy in the explicit category. For this managerial problem, we applied the fuzzy-based approach and demonstrate the appropriate category and marketing strategy for the hybrid product., Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, 569}, publisher = {Atlantis Press}, title = {Consumer Categorization of Hybrid Products : The Applicability of Fuzzy-based Approach for Managing the Technology Convergence}, year = {2010} }