@article{oai:barrel.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001200, author = {Ogasawara, Haruhiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {Behaviormetrika}, month = {}, note = {The asymptotic standard errors of the estimates of rotated factor loadings and factor correlations are derived for the cases with weights for observed variables such as those for Kaiser's normalization. The factor analysis models employed in this paper are the exploratory ones which have orthogonal or oblique common factors and unstandardized or standardized observed variables. The asymptotic standard errors are given from an augmented information matrix. As an application, the result for the direct oblique rotation by general quartic criteria with Kaiser's normalization is derived. The results of simulation show that the theoretical standard errors are close to simulated ones.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {On the standard errors of rotated factor loadings with weights for observed variables.}, volume = {27}, year = {2000} }