@article{oai:barrel.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001005, author = {小笠原, 春彦}, issue = {2}, journal = {行動計量学}, month = {Sep}, note = {The varimax rotation, a special case of the orthomax method, usually contains the process of normalization by the communalities of manifest variables. After rotation, factor loadings are re-scaled so that the communalities have original values. Although the standard errors of rotated factor-loadings have been discussed from the general view point of estimation of parameters with restrictions, the actual standard errors for normalized rotation have not been provided. In this paper a method of estimating the asymptotic sandard errors in the normalized orthomax rotation is given. Two artificial examples are provided in which standard errors become extremely large with or without normalization.}, pages = {122--129}, title = {規凖化オーソマツクス法における因子負荷の標準誤差}, volume = {23}, year = {1996} }